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Writer's pictureJade Banogon

PUV modernization and pollution: Is the trade-off worth it?

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

The modernization of jeepneys presents a complex issue that requires a delicate balance among the interests of the transportation industry, the environment, and society as a whole. While the program offers prospects for a more sustainable and efficient transportation system, it also poses significant challenges for jeepney operators and drivers.

Philippines has been dealing with urban congestion and environmental pollution in recent years. When it comes to creating sustainable solutions, the Public Utility Vehicle (PUV), a well-known method of transportation in the country, has been a point of controversy. Some people have praised the government's efforts to modernize the PUV, while others have expressed concerns.

Public Utility Vehicle Modernization (PUVM) program was issued in 2017 under Department Order (D.O.) No. 2017-01, or the Omnibus Guidelines on the Planning and Identification of Public Road Transportation Services.

By setting a restriction on the age of transport vehicles that are permitted to operate, it aims to reduce the number of old—and dangerously close to fatal—jeepneys on the streets, improve passenger safety and reduce pollution.

Following its implementation, in a 2020 article published by SunStar Baguio, Francis Ray Almora, director of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Cordillera, said that the implementation of the program in the Cordillera was done at a macro level due to the necessity of integrating the national program with the regional level of execution.

”Federations and operators are given until the end of the year to consolidate their operation. It's true that the changes in prices of units has something to do with the imported components which has a relationship with our foreign exchange or the value of the peso as to the money where the unit will come from," Almora said.

On March 29, 2023, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) issued Memorandum Circular 2023-013, giving PUV operators until June 30 to join the program or cease operations.

Advancing pollution reduction

One of the primary aims of PUVM is to address pollution concerns by introducing modern and environment-friendly vehicles. This approach not only helps to mitigate the negative impact of transportation on the environment but also paves the way for a greener and healthier future. Thus, PUVM's focus on adopting sustainable transportation solutions is commendable and necessary for mitigating the adverse effects of pollution on our environment and public health.

The program mandates PUVs to adhere to stricter Euro 4 and Euro 5 emission standards, surpassing the previous regulations. These updated standards require the use of advanced emission control technologies in PUV engines, effectively reducing the release of harmful pollutants.

Moreover, modernized PUVs are designed with enhanced fuel efficiency, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions. These vehicles incorporate cutting-edge technologies, including improved engine efficiency, aerodynamics and the use of lightweight materials.

To promote sustainability, the program also encourages the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles as alternatives to traditional combustion engine vehicles. Electric vehicles emit zero tailpipe emissions, while hybrids combine internal combustion engines with electric motors, leading to reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions.

Furthermore, a significant goal of the program is to phase out smoke-belching vehicles, which contribute significantly to air pollution. By removing these old and poorly maintained vehicles from circulation and replacing them with modernized PUVs, pollution levels can be significantly diminished.

Issues of modernization

One pressing concern is the cost associated with the modernization program, which not only burdens drivers already earning meager daily incomes but also leads to the entry of large businesses that can afford the high capital costs. This situation raises apprehension about the potential threat to the livelihoods of many individuals working in the sector.

Another challenge lies in the government's ability to assure affected workers that they will not be left behind during the supposed just transition. Opposition to the PUV modernization program has been voiced by numerous transport groups since its launch in 2017, and the lack of proper reassurances from government officials further exacerbates their concerns.

Baguio City, renowned for its distinctive geography and demanding terrain, presents particular challenges that warrant attention. The city's hilly landscape can potentially pose obstacles for electric vehicles, as they may necessitate additional charging infrastructure and could have limited range capabilities.

Inclusive and just modernization

Furthermore, there is a need for a modernization process to take into account the socioeconomic realities of the jeepney sector. By modifying the program to offer more favorable terms of payment and government subsidies for modern units, it can address the concerns of drivers and operators who support the concept of modernization but find fault with its current execution. One possible approach could involve allowing financially disadvantaged drivers to transition to cleaner traditional jeeps first before considering the adoption of more expensive minibus models. This strategy would contribute to reducing pollution without overly burdening the sector.

Addressing these challenges and ensuring a just and inclusive modernization process is essential for the long-term success of the program. By considering the financial implications, providing reassurances to affected workers and tailoring the program to the socioeconomic context of the jeepney sector, a more equitable and effective modernization initiative can be achieved.

It is crucial to acknowledge that while the PUV Modernization program strives to combat pollution, its effectiveness hinges on various factors. These include the availability of infrastructure, the affordability of modern vehicles and the willingness of operators to actively engage in the program. Successful implementation necessitates meticulous planning that takes into account the unique conditions and requirements of each locality, including the specific considerations associated with Baguio City.

As the jeepney modernization program seeks to reduce pollution and improve public transportation, it must be approached with a holistic understanding of the challenges faced by jeepney operators and drivers.

The people deserve safe and accessible public transportation, and jeepney drivers deserve a plan that secures their livelihoods. It is essential to prioritize the needs of the working class and ensure a just transition in the pursuit of pro-people modernization.


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